why you should hire a professional web designer?
its not really a rocket science right? Well think again? There is a saying ?its easy for someone knows? Imagine you don?t know how to cook but you try and making something but its not gonna sell or you trying to fix a car and eventually you made car going but how long would it last? Simply, hiring a professional web designer, a web developer or a website agency is the smartest way to do it. Poor design website doesn?t only mean bad looking website? There are details from marketing department to the website coding. Having a beautiful design doesn?t mean you are converting your customer or reaching them in a correct way.

Having an online presence for your business is very important these days. Whether you have a traditional brick and mortar business or if it is strictly online, you really need to have a way for your customers to be able to find you online. No matter what business you have, it is highly likely that you will have some type of competition and it is necessary for you to stay ahead of them.
So, with that said, you need to have a top-notch looking website that represents your business online. There are so many different options available out there for you to choose from. Unfortunately, if you don’t have a whole lot of experience with creating a website, the DIY option may not be the right choice.
This is where a professional website designer comes in to play, they have the expertise when it comes to knowing all of the right questions to ask you about your business to ensure that your website is the best representation of your business. We came up with a shortlist of 8 benefits that we believe makes using a professional website designer the best choice for all business owners when it comes to their new website.
Custom Website vs Free Website Creation Service
There are a growing number of services online that are designed to offer its users a relatively simple way to build a website. With sites like Wix.com and others offer a limited offering that includes mostly cookie-cutter themes and elements that can be mashed together in order to seem like it is custom. Unfortunately, to actually get a good result from Wix.com you will need to hire someone who has knowledge and expertise to help you get the best results.
A much better option would be to skip Wix.com and go straight to a professional website designer that knows how to build a quality website from scratch that will end up exactly as you want. They are constantly growing their knowledge and expanding their techniques in order to stay up with technology including SEO.

8 ways a business can benefit from hiring a professional web designer
1. You will end up with a high-quality website
Having a professional website designer create your website for your business is much better than using one of those cookie-cutter services that offer simple looking websites. Having someone who is highly knowledgeable in what it takes to build a website that will draw attention to your business and that is easy to use.
2. They will help you create a quality online strategy
Along with designing high-quality websites, professional designers also know a whole lot about what it takes to make a website attract the most amount of traffic. They are also able to help you build a strong online business model that you cannot do for yourself. A custom website is just one part of your overall online strategy and having a knowledgeable professional website designer on your side will go along ways in developing the best total strategy.
3. Website will be optimized for all user platforms
With the explosion of mobile users these days between tablets and smartphones, your website needs to be both mobile and computer friendly. If your website is not mobile-friendly, your visitors who found your website via their smartphone will likely leave quickly and not you will probably miss out on a possible sale. A good website designer is knowledgeable when it comes to the proper techniques necessary to make sure that your website is optimized for both PC and mobile devices and browsers.
4. They know how to best use SEO techniques
The name of the game when it comes to online business is search engine page ranking. Where your page lands on a search result when a person uses a search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and any others will determine how your site will attract visitors. So, that is why SEO or Search Engine Optimization is so important. A professional website designer is up to speed on the most current SEO techniques and will best use them to build your website.
5. They will help you to gain a competitive advantage over your competition
When it comes to online business there is generally a certain amount of competition no matter what your niche is. How your website stacks up against your competition can make or break your business. A well versed professional website designer is quite capable of creating a website and online strategy that will help to keep you ahead of your competition.
6. They will create a more reliable website
At the end of the day, all websites on the Internet have been created using similar coding. Unfortunately, many of the simple, free or low-cost websites that are available online are not well put together. However, if you go with a professional website designer you are far more likely to get a website that is much more reliable. If your website frequently has issues with loading or not available, you will likely lose out on quite a bit of possible business.
7. They will create a clean, well-built website optimized for speed
When it comes to the Internet speed is extremely important and having a slow loading website is a near-death sentence. A visitor is hardly likely to stick around on your website if all of your elements and subpages load very slow. A good professional website designer is highly knowledgeable of all of the techniques that will ensure that your website will run quickly.
8. Having a professional website designer on your side will save you lots of time
There are several websites that are available online that offer services that make it easy for you to set up a website quickly. Unfortunately, those services require you to take time away from starting up and running your business. However, if you hire a professional website designer, they will handle everything for you. They have the expertise to be able to come up with a high-quality website so you can better use your time.

Why you should consider hiring a professional web developer?
Whether you’re representing yourself, your business or even an idea, a website serves as a digital repository that speaks to who you are. As a business, regardless of size and scale, a website functions to actively increase brand awareness, legitimacy and credibility. That being said, however, developing a website is no simple task. While platforms like Wix will allow you to publish a simple website based on preexisting templates, they lack the flexibility and customization that will truly represent your vision, values and ideas. Furthermore, it can be an extremely time-consuming process, as these platforms come with a steep learning curve. Moreover, you will be forced to bear the responsibilities that come with management and upkeep of your website. For these reasons, seeking out a professional website designer or developer has become almost essential today. To further illustrate our point, we’ve gathered a list of reasons as to why you should seriously consider hiring a professional website designer or work and enlist their services, as they are sure to deliver a finished, professional website that suits your personal and business needs, while simultaneously saving you plenty of time and effort. Keep reading to find out why you should consider hiring a professional website developer to help you establish a strong digital presence!
Time and Effort
As we mentioned earlier, web design and development are processes that are extremely time consuming, particularly if you’re just getting started. Even platforms like Wix aren’t as intuitive as they are made out to be and come with a steep learning curve. Apart from the design elements of a website, the back-end development can be even more tricky, as ironing out bugs while maintaining the core user experience can take much longer than you had anticipated. As a website essentially acts as your digital representative, you’ll want to present the best version possible, as sloppy work can lead to numerous pitfalls. As a result, you’ll want to seek out the best web design and web development services within your budget. Professional designers are generally extremely well versed in client-side and back-end aspects of a website and so, can lend you their expertise in optimizing your website across a variety of elements. They’ll help you improve the overall user experience of your website, add a layer of professionalism by virtue of their background in design, boost incoming traffic by taking advantage of search engine optimization (SEO) and in general, publish a polished and professional website that will inspire confidence among visitors.

Flexibility, Customization and Personalization
One of the primary problems with supposedly easy-to-use platforms like Wix is that they are built around templates, meaning they offer very few tools for customization and personalization. As a result, it becomes increasingly difficult or expensive to create a website that is distinct, as the final product often resembles already existing websites. With professional web designers, this issue is easily remedied, as they will work with you to create a website that is unique, letting you stand out from the rest. All you’ll have to do is pass over your specifications and the web designer will create a unique page with features, content and functionality designated by you. This offers much greater control over the design aspects of the website, while saving you valuable time when it comes to back-end functionality and structure. With a professional web developer, you’ll be able to implement and carry out your vision and stay as close to your ideas as possible while not having to fret about any of the coding-related aspects or back-end structure, making it much easier to develop a website that truly reflects what you stand for, while avoiding any creative or conceptual compromise.
Management, Upkeep and Experience
One of the primary aspects of web development happens to be that of the user experience. If you’re venturing out on your own and decide to develop your own web page, you’ll likely encounter a plethora of different issues and bugs that require a comprehensive knowledge of back-end functionality and code to address. As simpler platforms like Wix offer very little flexibility and starting from scratch to write your own website can be extremely tricky, you’ll ideally want to find some sort of solid middle ground to address both ends of the spectrum. At this junction, working with a web developer can be extremely beneficial, as their comprehensive knowledge and experience in solving back-end issues can make the process much smoother and let you enjoy a smooth transition from conception to launch. To illustrate our point, you should consider what would happen if and when your website launches with content failing to load or if it has files infected by malware when it goes live. With a professional web developer, you’ll save yourself a ton of stress, as their experience in dealing with such issues on a regular basis lets them combat such problems with ease. Moreover, their expertise in code will give your users a smoother and much more polished experience, leading to a much more responsive website rather than one that is riddled with bugs and is slow, unresponsive and difficult to navigate. As the developer has likely worked on websites in the past, they’ll be able to identify and address any potential issues that might come up as your website goes live and is being used, making them invaluable to the process of developing a website.

Collaboration and Expertise
If you decide to go ahead and develop your own website, you’ll probably be restricted by your own imagination. While not necessarily a bad thing, it can limit creativity and lead to a website that lacks the necessary features and/or functionality. Working with a web developer, on the other hand, will offer you a new and more experienced perspective as to what works and what doesn’t. To elaborate, a website developer is likely to have seen and come across numerous features, cosmetic or otherwise, that have demonstrated success across a variety of different websites. This could prove invaluable, as integrating features that have been extremely successful in the past could be the difference between a successful website and an unsuccessful one. For example, a web developer might be particularly well-versed in integrating various types of social media platforms that you might be unfamiliar with. This represents a great avenue for potential marketing opportunities and so, you’ll want to include similar features in your website. If you fail to identify these opportunities, you might be sacrificing a ton of incoming traffic, profitability, publicity and much more further down the road. For this reason, you’ll want to include someone who has proven expertise in a variety of digital marketing aspects in the development process of your website. Moreover, web developers are likely much more familiar with different browsers, mobile protocols and compatibility modifications that you’ll have to make at some point and so, including them in the development process can save you a lot of time moving forward. Constant updates to things like operating systems will also have to be accounted for, so enlisting the expertise and skills of a web developer will result in much smoother transitions and updates further down the road.
Familiarity with the latest trends
Given their experience in web page development, designers and developers are likely to be familiar with the latest trends and updates across the board. To prevent your website from appearing old or outdated, you’ll want to integrate the latest features and functionality. For example, a music-based website will probably want to have links to the latest streaming platforms. A cooking website, on the other hand, will likely need to include links to nearby stores, so that ingredients can be easily accessible. Factors like these need considerable experience in existing platforms, so that functionality can be added to enhance the overall user experience. As a result, you’ll want to work with someone who has established said familiarity, i.e a professional website developer. For this reason, working with a web developer can serve to optimize your website to align with the latest trends, allowing you to take advantage of timing windows and potential opportunities to entice more visitors while also improving the experience of existing users and can serve as an integral part of the success of your website.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
To boost the popularity of your website, taking advantage of search engines and the manner in which they rank listings can be extremely important. This process, commonly known as Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is something that starts with the development process of your website. A professional web developer is likely to be very familiar with all aspects of SEO and how it works and will approach the project keeping this very concept in mind. This will result in your website ranking much higher on search engines like Google and Bing when users enter relevant terms, making it invaluable to your website. There are technical, back-end aspects to consider when it comes to SEO as well. For instance, if there is too much emphasis on CSS or JavaScript implementation in your website, your SERP rankings can be negatively affected. The same concept applies to Adobe Flash elements, HTML aspects and other content on your website that may load too slowly on older devices with slower internet connections. This can drastically lower your search engine placement and rankings, making them extremely undesirable for website owners. Hiring a professional website developer can avoid help you avoid these pitfalls and any sort of threat to your SEO results, meaning your website will be optimized to rank in the upper tiers of search engines. Pay close attention to this aspect, as it can make or break the success of your website.
Competitive Advantage
In digital domains, many smaller businesses and self-employed users often try to cut overheads by developing their own website using platforms like Wix. By investing a small amount in hiring a professional web developer, you’ll guarantee a unique and distinct website that will let you stand apart from the rest of the crowd. Moreover, your competitor’s websites will likely be plagued by a variety of issues that we outlined earlier, presenting you with a potential opportunity to overtake them. With a web developer, you’ll receive a well-thought out, professional website, letting you move ahead of your competition. Moreover, a professional web design service is simply much more reliable for many of the aforementioned reasons.
One good example that differentiates a poorly executed website from a professional one is the fact that some poorly designed websites often suffer from slow load times. As a user, this is an extremely undesirable experience and can seriously damage your digital reputation. A website developer, on the other hand, will do everything possible to ensure a smooth, fast and optimized experience for the user. As users notice the difference between your website and your competition, they’ll likely gravitate to the website that presents them with a better overall experience.

Long-term savings
Hiring a professional web developer or designer means that the developmental processes of your website will be completed in a timely manner. Given their expertise in the various elements of web design, a professional website developer is generally able to churn out a project and complete it very quickly. If you are to venture out and develop your own website, it’ll likely take you a long time to iron out all the functionality, fix bugs and settle on the design you like. Moreover, customization and personalization are significantly time consuming processes that require the expertise of a professional web developer to get exactly right. With a professional website developer, you’ll simply have to specify what visual design and theme you’re going for, and they’ll do their best to accommodate your needs. This can be as simple submitting an illustration and/or a pdf with an outline of what you’ll want your website to look like, and the developer will quickly let you know if it’s doable or not. This will save you time in planning your website. Moreover, hiring a professional website developer can be mean a significant one-time investment, but, you’ll ensure that you get the best and most comprehensive services, resulting in a quick and thorough job.
Social Media Integration
If your website is aimed at promoting your business, you should recognize that its primary purpose is to work hand-in-hand with your existing social media marketing campaigns. As social media marketing (SMM) represents one of the most effective marketing methods today, integrating social media platforms into your website is almost essential. Moreover, it has huge implications for the SEO of your website and so is something you should pay close attention to. A professional website designer is likely to have encountered similar projects in the past, and so, should know how to effectively integrate social media marketing campaigns into the developmental processes, user experience and functionality found on your website. This can drastically improve your digital presence, as well as creating somewhat of a domino effect, as both your social media circles as well as your website will likely direct traffic to one another. Moreover, they’ll do so in a manner that is intuitive for your users, making it easy for them to navigate back and forth between your social media handles and your website.

Mobile Compatibility
Much like social media integration, mobile compatibility can do wonders to cement your digital presence. Today, a majority of internet users prefer to access the internet from their mobile devices and so, you’ll want to have a website that is optimized for the mobile experience. Moreover, the most significant source of incoming traffic for most websites can be traced to social media. Since a majority of users access social media sites from their mobiles, you’ll want to make it as easy as possible for them to connect to the website. A professional website developer will ensure a smooth transition to-and-fro mobile apps, making them invaluable in the space of website development, web design and SEO. This, in turn, will do wonders for your social media marketing strategies and will boost your overall digital presence.
Professionalism, Credibility and Legitimacy
Once again, if your website is focused around your business, a website will serve as a digital repository of all things good about your business. As a result, you’ll want to establish a certain degree of professionalism, credibility and legitimacy and make a great first impression on potential users. Customers today, for instance, are known to be sensitive to businesses that outline their philosophy, values and processes. This can easily be represented through your website by enlisting a professional website developer. Given their expertise in the field, they’ll be able to create a great first impression on users, while adding elements of sophistication that are extremely desirable in today’s market. This will spread to global limits, as the potential reach you could enjoy through your website is virtually limitless. With a professional website designer, you’ll be able to integrate various types of functionality while also being able to publish your credentials, certifications and/or licenses online, giving you an added layer of professionalism. A professional website designer will include these aspects in ways that are impossible for users to ignore and so, will guarantee an increased amount of professionalism, credibility and legitimacy, making them vital to a digital business.
Website Maintenance
Contrary to the generally held belief that websites are “completed” at some point, a web developer will help you recognize that constant updates, maintenance and upkeep are required to maintain the integrity of the user experience on your website. As technology is dynamic and constantly improving itself, you’ll require expertise in keeping your website up to date. This is where a good web developer comes into the picture, as they will make sure your website is constantly updated to suit the needs of your clients. They’ll also add tools and functionality that will let you scale up your website, making them invaluable in the long run. Finally, they’ll run tests and analytics to make sure your website is compatible across the board. This includes compatibility across different browsers and protocols, while also optimizing your website to run seamlessly on mobile devices. This can often be the difference between a successful website and a shoddy, sloppy one, and so, is of paramount importance to establishing your digital presence. As maintenance will be carried out by an expert, bugs, glitches, malware and other potentially harmful factors will be negated by enlisting the services of a professional website developer.

Final Verdict
So, there you have it! These are some of the most prominent reasons as to why you should consider hiring a web developer. From conception to publication, a web developer will offer you a ton of aid and flexibility, while helping you avoid a lot of stress that comes with the development process. Moreover, they’ll help with maintenance and upkeep, while also optimizing your website to make the most of its potential. Keeping these factors in mind and paying close attention to each of them throughout the development process is vital, as failure to do so can be extremely damaging to your website. With the help of a web developer, you’ll be on track to do exactly that, while producing the most professional and optimized website you can, allowing you to cement your digital presence.