Hosting Included

Hosting Included (date: 9,12,19)
first year free hosting plan! you are also free to move your website to any other company anytime you want. You may anytime upgrade your hosting plan too. Your first year is on us!
We included the hosting expenses in your website order for the first year of it. Hosting is where you host your files online on our computers. We have 2 central server system available in Los Angeles, CA Data Center and Washington, D.C. Data Center in the US.
You may see your hosting plan and expiration date on your Account Management Panel any time when you log in. We will send you the notifications before it expires and we also give some grace period for our customers just in case if they are so busy to respond back. However, we don?t push our customers to purchase a hosting plan. It?s your decision to renew your hosting plan or leave it as to be. Your website will belong to you and your responsibility to keep a downloaded hard copy of it. We don?t terminate the accounts immediately but also we are not responsible to keep an expired data on our hosting. We highly suggest our customers keep a copy of their own websites so there will be no conflict even if you decide not to extend your hosting plan. You can move your website into any other company anytime you want, it is your website, your business and your very free decision as an owner of the website. You are also anytime welcome back here even if you leave us for some time. We may just ask you to give us your downloaded backup file so we can process that one for you again as a loyal customer offer. For example; your hosting is expired, we gave you some time as a grace period but you still didn?t extend your hosting plan and your account has terminated. Your website will no longer be on our hosting and you won?t be able to download your website from your hosting plan. Your website backup is located on your very own hosting. So if you didn?t download it already, you may lose it forever or you may still ask us if we have a copy of it but we are definitely not responsible to keep a copy of your website too, we may try to retrieve it if you purchase a hosting plan. Data rescue may cost extra and you may reach us to get a quote for that service.
We also don?t limit our customers on the amount of processor they use on the server if they need power we give it to you. But we also know a regular website needs how much amount of power so we measure it. We can?t let anybody to bully the system and uses within different extreme ways such as, hosting a TV channel with a 7/24 stream or using for illegal ways of it, or sending spammy emails from the server, creating the scripts that harm other websites or infects its very own users. We have the full right to terminate the hosting plan and refund the payment of left days with no use.
If we see that you exceeded your Hosting plan limits, we may ask you to upgrade your plan to be able to keep using it. We suggest our clients be in touch with us before having some interruptions on your hosting. For example, you used 4gb of your storage and you may not keep adding new files on it or we may suspend your account until you upgrade the package or make some free space in an allowed time of period. For example, you used 200gb of your monthly bandwidth and your website may face interruption in monthly bases as long as you don?t upgrade into a higher package.
We know a regular website may need how much space and usage limits. You may anytime also reach us and get a quote for your any projects, we will gladly help you out.