Free Support by Ticket

Free Support by Ticket (date: 9,9,19)
Website A; you may reach us for any help or need except how-to questions. Such as; ?how to change my logo?? you will need to upgrade your package or do it yourself in that level of a website plan.
Website B-C-D; 7 Days a Week | 8am to 9pm (call, text, messenger, whatsapp or ticket support)
Website The Cat doesn?t offer Support services from our Ticket-system. Website The Cat is our very beginning level package with a very reasonable price. If you have some issues such as, server, hosting, some technical difficulties more than how-to questions, we are here to help for sure!
What we mean as how-to question is, for example, you reach us out or send a ticket about how to change your website logo right, if its such a small short help, we don?t also return our customers, we love to help but we also need to put some limitations on these help since they cost us as time. We might help with such a small 1-2 thing. But we can?t take our time to solve these how-to put this word document content and publish those images or how to change website menu, how to create a contact form that sends email to me, etc. etc. These questions will get replied only if you purchase other packages rather then the Website The Cat
Let?s say you have purchased one of the Websites B-C-D Plans, we don?t really limit our customers with such an amount of calls, tickets, etc. You may basically reach us 10-20 times whenever you need. However, we also know a regular client how many times may need to reach us via Calls or ticket system. We can?t let bully the system by creating 50-100 tickets for any such thing asking way too much detail or trying to learn way new things that we can?t help via Ticket nor requires a huge amount of time that we can?t cover. You may additionally reach us to get more so we can give a quote for your any project needs as well.