Content Protection App

protects your content from steeling, it prevents content select and copy and also prevents images saving from context menu.
By Content Protection App in addition to content and images protection, you can turn content thieves into money by showing Ads when someone is trying to save your images.
- Content selection and copy protection.
- Disable image save from your website.
- Disable right click and context menu on your pages.
- Show alert message, Image Ad or HTML Ad on save images.
- Show alert message, Image Ad or HTML Ad on right click.
- Prevent saving your pages using CTRL+S.
- Disable CTRL+A, CTRL+C, CTRL+X or CTRL+V keys.
- Easily customize alerts or Ads.
- Advanced and easy to use control panel.
From now you will sleep, and your content will be safe! As you know, the duplicate content can decrease your blog ranking in search engines, if someone copied your content, it will marked as duplicate content!, Content Protection App is a WordPress App that protects your content from steeling, it prevents content select and copy and also prevents images saving from context menu, the new thing in this app, is that you can turn image stealing into money by showing ads to every one try to copy content or save image!